Title: Times New Roman, 14, all upper case letters, up to 80 characters, including spaces.
In a separate line Authors (full name- first name, last name), Author Affiliations and Orcid, corresponding author e-mail: TNR, 12.
Manuscripts structure: Summary (in English, up to 100 words), Keywords (in English, up to 8 words, in a separate line). The text must include: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussions, Conclusions, References (font 12 pt, spacing 1). Tables only in black and white version. Manuscripts presented for publication cannot exceed six pages in length including tables, illustrations and references. All recoverable resources cited in the text must be included in the reference list.
A4 page size, page margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, right – 1.5 cm, left – 2.5 cm, orientation – book.
Length of the submitted papers – 4 – 6 pages.
The articles should be written according in Romanian or English.
Corrections and additions for the manuscripts will not be accepted. Manuscripts which will not conform to the conference research area can be declined and we will inform the authors about it.
The conference materials included in the collection will have the DOI identifier.
Conference will require no fees for registration.
The deadline for paper submission is August 20, 2024.